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  • Writer's pictureJessica Nickell

The Seasonal Slow Down

We are just days away from Christmas, we are living through the first pandemic of our lifetime, my house is a mess, I haven't ordered Christmas cards, haven't started baking, and I definitely haven’t finished my Christmas shopping. No one would buy my house right now! …Would they???

Christmas is creeping up on us with a quickness and you may be drowning in a wintery sea of never-ending to-do lists. As Santa begins mapping out his routes on Zillow, and your in-laws start putting Amazon distribution to the ultimate test, this may seem like the absolute time to sell your house… But is it foolish to sell during the holidays? Or is it genius?

3 Reasons Why You SHOULD Sell

During the Holidays

1. Less Competition

Many people think that the ONLY time to sell a house is in the spring. But that’s when everyone else is selling. Santa Claus has a monopoly on Christmas. Why? Because he is Father Christmas, a.k.a HE IS THE ONLY SHOW IN TOWN! So why not follow his lead?

Would you rather wait until May when 6 houses on your street have FOR SALE signs slapped on their lawns? Or would you rather sell your home during the “seasonal slowdown” in December to seize the opportunity of minimal competition for the buyers to consider? It’s smart. Rather yet, it’s genius. You could even get multiple offers and potentially negotiate a rent-back to remain in your home until after the holidays. Let’s cheers a glass of egg-nog to that possibility!

2. Serious Buyers

The Dave and Karen McLooky-Loos, that would usually be trampling all over your freshly cleaned carpets at your summer open house, are too busy ravaging the shelves of the local WalMarts, Kohl’s, and Targets this time of year.

The truth is that not everyone wants to start their house hunt two weeks before Christmas and although that fact could sincerely make you reconsider the entire concept. That’s ok! Santa has a very important news flash for you, “You are only going to sell your house to ONE person.” That’s right! It only takes one, pre-qualified, serious buyer to walk through that door and present the right offer. In my experience, the only people that are taking the time out of their busy holiday schedules to look at houses are people that have to make the move quickly and that are very seriously about the transition. Whether it be for a new job, moving closer to family, or even a health change, these people need to make a move and they can’t wait until June to do it.

3. Timing is Everything

Just like Santa Claus around midnight, maybe it’s just time to hit the road. Maybe you just got a great job offer, a great home became available closer to family, or you’re just ready to start your New Year in a new place. Whatever the reason be, maybe now is the right time for you. You don’t have to wait until June to list your house. I assure you that people buy houses in each month and every season of the year.

Find a great local agent, price your home strategically and the buyers will come!

Contact me for a complimentary market analysis on your home this holiday season.


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